Category Archives: Games

LEGO Lord of the Rings

I’ll be honest, this wasn’t my favorite LEGO game. Which was a major bummer because I love Lord of the Rings and I love LEGO games, so I’ve been pumped to play it since it hit the news that they were making it into a game.

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Resident Evil 6

I became a gamer in the summer of 1990, when I first played Super Mario Bros on NES. Since that fateful moment, picking up a grey and black controller, with two red buttons, I was forever hooked. Over the years, there have been many great game franchises and there have been just as many very poor franchises. Capcom has created many amazing games, several of them becoming great series’ from Street Fighter, Devil May Cry, and Mega Man among many others. One of the great franchises of the gaming industry and from Capcom has been, is, and will continue to be Resident Evil.

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Fable: The Journey

I have loved the Fable games from the moment I started my first quest as a hero of Albion, so naturally I was very excited when I heard they were making a Kinect game. I spent a lot of time on forums, looking at concept art, wondering when in the Fable universe it would take place, and dreaming about the time that I actually got to cast spells with my own hands.

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The Walking Dead, Episode 4: Around Every Corner

Around Every Corner lacked the incredible emotional weight of Episode 3: Long Road Ahead (you can read that review here), and really didn’t focus where I wanted it to, but it was nonetheless an effective edition to the series, and its ending was plenty weighty enough to get me pumped for the final episode of the series.

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A lesser-known quote from Teddy Roosevelt reads, “While I was abroad, I discovered a jolly old game called ‘football.’  I found it exhilarating, extravagant, and exhausting.  And in my opinion, nobody simulates this jovial game better than EA Sports with their FIFA 13 entry.”

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